Nail varnishes can be found almost in any drug-store. We can choose between matte, crackle, glitter, metallic, jelly, holographic and many more. However, these are not the only cosmetics that can be used for fingernails care. We can also enumerate all the products that are destined for prolonging durability of the nail varnishes, as well as cosmetics responsible for speeding up the time devoted to drying or hardening of applied layers. In fact, these products are connected by one thing – a brush with which we distribute the nail varnish all over the nail plates. Obviously, the applicator can vary accordingly to the density of the product or simply to the brand. Certainly, we are always sure that we find a brush when buying a product for fingernails. However, there is yet another nail polish that will surprise all women. We are talking about a spray on nail polish. The inventor of this novelty is Nail Inc. brand and the product is called Paint Can.
Usually, spray on varnish is associated with cars or graffiti. In short, it is a fairly big can with atomizer from where a flammable substance is released. Does Paint Can by Nail Inc. look alike? The truth is, the package might resemble other spray on varnishes. It contains 50 ml of the cosmetic, has white colour, is easy to handle and is no bigger than a hand.
How to apply Paint Can nail varnish by Nails Inc.? Firstly, cover nail plates with a transparent base and wait till it dries out completely. Before use, shake the can vigorously. In fact, some nail polishes also require shaking (especially those which contain a small metal ball inside that facilitates mixing the cosmetic). Paint Can has to be distributed from the distance of 3-5 inches from the fingernails. In order to obtain more intensive colour, you can put on several layers of the product. Unfortunately, while distributing Paint Can unskilfully, everything around gets dirty: fingers, hand skin etc. When the nail polish dries out, apply top coat. Then, wash hands with warm water and the product that stuck on area around nail plates will disappear. Paint Can by Nails Inc. dries within 20 seconds. Under such circumstances, this is the fastest manicure that you can only imagine.
And if you will not get to like the spray on nail polish, you can always draw graffiti with it.
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