Winter along with late autumn are the best periods of year for undergoing all the beautifying treatments that belong to aesthetic medicine field. In general, we must remember to follow several basic rules both before and after the treatment. Basically, we have to keep in mind to provide appropriate care to skin, take all the pieces of advice given by a beautician and do everything we can to accelerate skin regeneration processes. So what is the method of taking care of body and face skin after leaving a beauty parlour?
Before discussing rules of proper skin care, we have to mention all the mistakes done just after undergoing aesthetic medicine treatments. Some of them are so tragic, that may ruin the profound effects of the treatment or lead to serious damages of not only epidermis but also dermis. And these ravages are done just due to our irresponsibility and ignorance. How do we harm ourselves? Firstly, we keep using different products than the ones recommended by a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. In most cases, the wrongful ‘I know better’ conviction is shared by many people. Unfortunately, being into our bad habits may result in recurrence of the dermatological disorder we wanted to eliminate. Secondly, we simply do not use cosmetics containing sun protection filters. It is advised bearing in mind that skin is super sensitive and prone to harmful working of external factors, including UV radiation. It is not surprising, concentration of sun protection filters should vary accordingly to a season, type of skin and, obviously, the treatment that was performed at a beauty parlour. Thirdly, we cannot refrain ourselves from sunbathing, both the natural one and the one provided by solarium. Again, face and body skin is prone to solar radiation working and other harmful factors that derive from external environment. Fourthly, we tend to put away moisturizing cosmetics too quick and equally fast start we applying irritating products for skin care. What is the risk we have to be prepared for? In most cases, deterioration of skin condition and necessity of arranging additional visits at a dermatologist’s or a cosmetician’s.
And how to take care of our skin right after leaving a beauty parlour or a dermatologic surgery? During the very first days since the treatment was performed, it is advised to use only delicate cosmetics and the ones prescribed by a cosmetologist. Such products will facilitate and speed up obtaining the planned effects of the treatment as they relieve possible irritations. What is more, try to avoid physical activity, treatments that lead to irritations (laser, hair removal and scrubs) and try to use neither solarium nor sauna. Furthermore, skin moisturization is extremely essential after undergoing the above-mentioned beautifying treatments. Therefore, cosmetics that have such features may be reapplied several times per day. Use delicate preparations for face washing, especially the ones sold in a pharmacy. Remember also about protection form the sun. Develop a habit of applying sunscreens regardless of the ongoing season.
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