Neat hands are the boast of every woman. But the latest manicure trend applied on the fingernails and removed cuticles are not simply enough. Remember, you have to match the shape of your fingernails to your hands as well. Thanks to this technique, your fingers gain completely new, better look and the finger plates themselves will stop breaking and splitting. In order to do the manicure, use a disposable emery board or a glass/crystal file. For smoothing fingernail plate use, for example, a nail drill with an appropriate smoothing head.
Squarely Rounded Fingernails.
This shape of nails fits each hand and seems to be perfectly natural. What is more, this kind of shape looks just right on short nails since it makes the nails optically slender. Obviously, squarely rounded style is not only extremely practical but also comfortable to wear especially for those who are overworked or always in hurry. This kind of women might find long fingernails irksome since these can disturb or hinder doing everyday chores.
Oval Fingernails.
Oval fingernails are the alternative version of rounded fingernails. These are recommended especially for women having short fingers. Such a shape is able to make fingers slender and generally bigger. Additionally, fingers decorated with oval fingernails look simply natural. What is more, rounded edges of nails are less unfavourable to mechanical damages. It is also less possible that thee will break.
Almond Fingernails.
Fingernails in a shape of almonds are fairly popular lately, however, not everybody is fond of these pointy-ended tips. This sort of manicure suits short and thick fingers. Although obtaining the very shape resembling almonds is time-consuming, the effect produced is fairly satisfactory. Another thing worth pointing out, we will use more of a nail polish on almond fingernails than when applying it on regular or classic shapes of nails.
Square Fingernails.
This is a shape which is the easiest and the fastest to obtain. In order to produce square fingernails, you have to move the file parallel to fingers while the edges has to be set at 90 degrees to front side of a finger plate. Unfortunately, square fingernails are easy to break and the nail polish applied is fast to fleck. Nevertheless, if you have thin fingernails and slender hands, this manicure style will suit you best.
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